What Are The Benefits Of Music Education?
It is good for children to be a part of after-school activities such as sports, arts, and creative activities. It gives them a break from the humdrum of daily school life and rejuvenates their minds. It is observed however that a majority of students opt for music as one of their co-curricular activities. Have you wondered why? Let me tell you…..
Strengthening Your Brain Through Music
It is believed that the effect of studying music on the development of a child is far greater than that they obtain by taking part in other activities such as sports or dance. And why is that…Learning music from music schools such as the Harpeggio Academy of Music & Fine Arts strengthens the brain function of your child. The increased brain functionality results in better IQ and better concentration. Playing instruments helps to improve gross and fine motor skills and sensory development in kids. It keeps your brains sharp thereby warding off the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and different types of dementia.
Follow Challenging Careers
The development of better spatial-temporal skills in music students is what prepares them to follow STEM careers. Learning musical instruments at the Harpeggio Academy in Kochi improves their problem-solving skills and also helps them to absorb positive attributes such as leadership, independence, and confidence in themselves. In fact, studies have proved that there is improved literacy in music students and they are more likely to graduate.
Elevates Your Mood
You may have noticed that when you are down in the dumps, music uplifts and elevates your mood. You can pick any type of music to suit your mood and sensibility. The creative urge in you is enriched when you study music in music schools such as the Harpeggio Academy in Kochi. It helps you to express the emotions you are feeling and also creates empathy with others. It helps to manage anxiety to an extent by distracting you and elevating your mood.
Playing an instrument exercises different parts of your body and even increases your strength. The posture, joints, and muscles you utilize, as well as having to carry the instruments, help build up your strength. Wind instruments such as the flute, mouth organ, harmonica, and saxophone help to build up your lung strength. Music is a natural stress buster and calms us down, thereby improving our heart rate and blood pressure.
Break Down Barriers
Are you new to a place, a school, or perhaps a college? The best way to make friends is to join the music club there. Everyone loves to sing along, and if you can play a musical instrument, you can be quite popular and make a lot of friends. It brings about cohesion in a group and a sense of belonging. When you are part of a music group, taking part in events or competitions helps to build a sense of community. It broadens your views and makes you more tolerant. Music is a great leveler and breaks down artificial barriers created by us. Playing a musical instrument learned at music schools such as Harpeggio helps to build up teamwork skills since it is important to harmonize with all the other instrumentalists.
Builds Resilience In Children
Learning music at music schools such as the Harpeggio Academy of Music & Fine Arts helps build resilience in your children. Resilience is something learned when children interact with others and helps them overcome adversity. Children in a lot of nuclear families are unable to face troubles or disappointments. They look to drugs or suicide as a way out. Getting our children involved in musical activities helps them to connect with the divine and teaches them to cope with whatever is thrown at them. They learn to face difficulties head on and find solutions to problems.
This happens because creating music, learning a new piece, or preparing for a performance involves discipline, hard work, and grit. Long-term commitment is needed to make them succeed in music. Sometimes the unexpected may happen in the middle of a performance, which teaches them to improvise immediately. A lot of life skills are passed on during the learning of musical instruments. Music triggers the pleasure center in our brain and leads to the release of dopamine and serotonin, leading to a feel-good perception.
So don’t wait. Now is the time to enroll your child in the best music school in Kochi, – HarpeggioAcademy of Music & Fine Arts!