
Music, Soul of the Universe

Exploring The Soul Of The Universe With Music Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything, said Plato, over 2500 years ago. So, what exactly is the soul? It is the essence of a person. Music is what makes the universe as unique and […]

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Music Speaks

Music Speaks To Your Heart When words fail, music speaks! There have been umpteen instances when this famous quote by Hans Christian Andersen have rung so true. Overcome with emotion and unable to express it but the words of a song and the music that accompanies it expresses it for us instead. It doesn’t matter […]

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Music Shorthand Of Emotion

Music Is The Shorthand Of Emotion The great Russian author, Leo Tolstoy once said that music is the shorthand of emotion. Music helps to convey those emotions which you may find difficult to express in words or actions. A person who is reticent and unable to express his feelings can make it very well known […]

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Music as a Career

How Feasible Is A Career In Music For Our Young People A career in music is an exciting adventure that a lot of people are afraid to step into especially here in India. There is not a lot of information about how feasible and lucrative a music career can be. Most parents prefer to have […]

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Music Genres

All About The Genres Of Music Music preferences vary from person to person. There are different types of music around the world and it is difficult to classify them all. Also, there are no accepted norms by which we can classify music. So what do we understand by the term, music genre?. A particular genre […]

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Music and the Brain

Better Brain Health With Music A fit body, a calm mind, and a house full of love is what most people aspire for. A fit body can be developed with proper exercise and a diet regimen. Regular visits to the gym will help to keep your body strong. If you combine this with a proper […]

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Slow Learners And Music – 2

Music Training Enhances Cognitive Functions The Harpeggio Academy of Music and Fine Arts in Kochi has continued to conduct online music lessons during the pandemic and even during the lockdown as they are convinced of the effect of music training on cognitive functions. Research has shown a marked improvement in IQ as a result of […]

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Slow Learning And Music – 1

Music As A Therapeutic Tool For Slow Learners The advantages of using music as a therapeutic tool is increasingly being understood by therapists, doctors, and parents alike. Listening to music calms you down and gives you a sense of peace and wellbeing. Music therapy may be active or passive; active being where you are actively […]

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How To Tackle Fear And Anxiety In These Pandemic Times

Stress and anxiety in these pandemic times is quite natural. As we do not know much about this new virus, we rely on hearsay and rumors. There is always the fear lurking in our minds about our susceptibility to the virus. Stress and anxiety were always a part of our busy lives before the pandemic […]

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Dance and Maths

Exploring The Relationship Between Dance And Mathematics Mathematics and dance!!! What connection are you talking about???  Maths is numbers, numbers, and more numbers!!!!  Where Is Maths In Dance? This could be the general response of any person who is introduced to the close connection between mathematics and dance.  You barely hear maths and dance being […]

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Soul Healing During Covid Times With Online Music Classes

Music is something people turn to when they feel blue, when they feel on top of the world, when they are grieving, and when they are worshipping God! So what is this music we are talking about? It is an endless combination of voices, sounds, and instruments! Music is different things to different people. It […]

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Dance As It Evolved Through The Ages

Dance is the hidden language of the soul and of the body, said Martha Graham. This can be amply observed in any dance performance as the dancer immerses himself in the soul and rhythm of the music he is dancing to. Dance recreates certain human motions and gives it an […]

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Why Harpeggio

Why Harpeggio Academy of Music & Arts should be your academy of choice!!!

Harpeggio Academy of Music & Fine Arts is a close-knit family of music and art lovers supported and promoted by a dedicated group of international musicians and artists. These are musicians and artists with decades of experience who have come forward to teach aspiring […]

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The Universality Of Vocal Music

Vocal music is that which uses human voices to bring out the song. It may or may not be accompanied by different instruments. Instrumental music refers to the music produced by the use of different instruments such as percussion, woodwinds, or strings or perhaps just […]

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Strengthening Bonds In Society With Music And Arts

A society, which is a group of people living together, should enhance the lives of the people within it. Therefore, it is important that people develop interpersonal skills that lead to peaceful coexistence. Music and arts has been a part of society from time immemorial as is evidenced […]

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Music And Arts Helping With Personality Development Of Our Children

In the modern competitive world, there is a lot of emphasis on the core subjects to help students make a mark in the world of job opportunities.  The greatest fear of a parent is that their child would be left behind and this causes them to shun arts and music in favor of more promising […]

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Expanding Job Options For Musicians And Artists In Today’s Business World

The reason why many parents in India do not like their children to make music and arts their career is because they believe it will not provide them a livelihood.  Talent plays a big role in this field and there is always the fear that if their children do not make the mark, they could […]

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Improving The Well being Of People With Music And Arts

Health is not merely the absence of disease and sickness but a state of wellbeing; physical, mental, and social wellbeing.  There is increasingly more realization of the role played by music and arts in the wellbeing of people.  Participation as an observer of music and arts created by others or creating one’s own music and […]

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Integrating Music And Arts Into Mainstream Education To Encourage Creativity

Music and arts bring joy to people.  It is an opportunity for them to give expression to their creativity.  Music and arts are often overlooked in the educational stream in favour of more “useful” subjects such as the sciences.  It is not considered as having the ability to lead the child into a career stream […]

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